Sunday, February 18, 2018

Looking for two volumes on LDS Theology and the Bible

It should be obvious that the main focus of this blog is the relationship between Latter-day Saint theology and biblical exegesis and related topics, so many of the books and articles I read touch upon such topics in some way or another. I am hoping that my followers will be able to help me with this request.

I am looking for copies of the following two texts:

Gant Von Harrison, Plain and Precious Truths: A Tribute to the Prophet Joseph Smith (Sounds of Zion, 2006) and

Rex Lorenzo Christensen, A Study of the Minor Prophets with Special Reference to Latter-day Saint Theology (Brigham Young University, 1939)  (I don't mind a PDF of this if one can scan it for me)

Such works are out of print and very difficult to track down, so here is a deal I will happily strike: I will happily send PDFs of all three of my books in exchange for a physical copy of the Harrison volume and/or a copy or scan of the Christensen text.

My email is:

irishLDS87ATgmailDOTcom (for those who wish to send me a physical copy, I will email you my mailing address [also: those who wish to send any volume[s] they wish to me to continue research and writing, I won't object too ;-)])