Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Anthony Cekada on the Theological Problems of the Novus Ordo Missae

I have been doing some studies recently in the fine-points of Catholic ecclesiology as a side-project, studying the debate about Sedevacantism and related topics (e.g., papal infallibility; canon law; status of Vatican II, etc)

While watching some youtube videos, I encountered one of the more "sane" advocates of the Sedevacantist position (why mention his being "sane"? Dimond brothers . . . enough said . . . ), Anthony Cekada, who was ordained a priest while in the SSPX by Marcel Lefebvre in 1977. He is author of a book, Work of Human Hands: A Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI, a volume critiquing the theology of the Novus Ordo Missae. As I have written a number of articles critiquing Catholic theology on the Mass (see the listing of articles at Responding to Robert Sungenis, Not By Bread Alone (2000/2009)), I found these videos to be rather interesting:

As an aside, the volume can be purchased here. If anyone wishes to purchase a copy of the volume for me, I will not object (if anyone wishes to such, drop me an email at IrishLDS87ATgmaildotcom to send me a copy/get my mailing address or make a donation via paypal to cover the book and shipping to Ireland [$50.00 or so])