Monday, March 19, 2018

Books Available for Purchase

In case there are new people following this blog, I think it would be proper to “plug” some of my books which can be found on Amazon (do note that  one can also donate to this blog via Paypal
and/or Go Fund Me):

A full-length interaction with, and refutation of, Sola Scriptura (“Scripture Alone”), the formal doctrine of Protestantism. All the standard proof-texts (e.g., 2 Tim 3:16-17; 1 Cor 4:6; Rev 22:18-19) are exegeted and shown not to support this doctrine. The first book-length critique of Sola Scriptura by a Latter-day Saint.

The most thorough book on Mariology (the theology of Mary, the mother of Jesus), from a Latter-day Saint perspective. All the dogmas of Catholicism are discussed fairly and interacted with, both biblically and historically (e.g., the Immaculate Conception; the Perpetual Virginity; Bodily Assumption). Appendixes deal with issues such as the virginal conception in Latter-day Saint theology.

In many respects, the follow-up to Not by Scripture Alone. This is a biblical and historical defense of LDS claims to authority, showing that the New Covenant includes an ordained, ministerial priesthood, not a priesthood of all believers merely. All the standard “proof-texts” (e.g., Heb 7:24; John 19:30) are exegeted, as well as solid exegetical evidence for LDS theology.