Thursday, April 12, 2018

Amoris laetitia, Papal Infallibility, and the Myth of Roman Catholic Doctrinal Unity and "Certainty"

The following are videos from Traditionalist Catholics who, while accepting the papacy of Francis (so they are not Sedevacantists like Fr. Anthony Cekada or "undecided" like the SSPV), who believe that Amoris laetitia and Francis' interpretation thereof to be both dangerous and just simply heretical. While some may want to dismiss Ferrara, for instance, for being a "Rad Trad," such cannot be said of Rev. Brian Harrison who is a frequent guest on "mainstream" Catholic radio and tv (e.g., EWTN):

Christopher Ferrara - This Time It’s Different: Cardinals and Bishops Must Resist the Pope

The Diabolical Disorientation in the Church: A Diagnosis - Christopher Ferrara, Esq.

The Coming Battle for Humane Vitae - Rev. Brian Harrison, O.S.

Father Isaac Mary - Living The Fatima Message In The Family (jump to 22:40 mark)

The solution, at least from my perspective, is rather simple: reject the ahistorical and anti-biblical nature of the papacy and its infallibility and admit that the common Roman Catholic claim to having doctrinal unity is simply bogus nor can the papacy result in doctrinal "certainty."