Friday, April 6, 2018

Darius Gray, Healing the Wounds of Racism

The Church's official Website just posted a blog post article written by Darius Gray:

It is an excellent article, and everyone should read it.

As Darius writes at the conclusion of the section, "Acknowledge the Problem":

I am black, an African-American convert who this year celebrates with millions of members the 40th anniversary of the priesthood being extended “to all worthy male members” (see Official Declaration 2). Since that time, Church leaders have fully disavowed past speculation for why the priesthood was withheld, including the notion of blacks being less valiant in the premortal existence. Unfortunately, racially insensitive comments and attitudes concerning persons of color have not all gone away yet

Personally, I just hope that the Church will just come out and admit the obvious--the priesthood (and temple) restriction was based on racism, not revelation and was a mistake. This is already (and rightfully so) a black mark on the Church and its history, but by admitting in an open manner that the Church was in error on this will (1) result in the Church getting some respect for being honest in admitting to such and (2) dispel myths of prophetic infallibility and inerrancy of church practices and procedures.

For more, see:

Race and the Priesthood (the Gospel Topics Essay on Race and the Priesthood [and Temple] Restriction)

Russell W. Stevenson, For the Cause of Righteousness: A Global History of Blacks and Mormonism, 1830-2013 (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2014)