Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Nature of Prophecy and Presuppositions

A Calvinist recently posted the following article:

For a refutation of the Reformed presuppositions about prophecy and related topics that inform this article, see:

If our Calvinist critic were consistent, he would have to argue that Amos, Jeremiah, Isaiah, etc were false prophets. The contingent nature of prophecy, which even Reformed scholars like Richard L. Pratt (discussed in the above article)

See also:

 Stephen O. Smoot, “Joel Kramer vs. the Bible and Joseph Smith” (a review of Joseph Smith vs. the Bible which I helped research)

Robert Boylan, Refuting James Walker on Joseph Smith's Prophecies

Idem, Did Joseph Smith Predict that the Second Coming would happen in 1890/91?

Idem, Oliver Granger and "Sacred Remembrance"