Thursday, May 17, 2018

Reviews of The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism (1998)

In 2005, I read a book by Norman Geisler et al., The Counterfeit of Gospel of Mormonism: The Great Divide Between Mormonism and Christianity (Eugene, Oreg.: Harvest House Publishers, 1998). It was an attempted critique of Stephen Robinson and Craig Blomberg's 1997 book, published by InterVarsity Press, How Wide the Divide? A Mormon and an Evangelical in Conversation. At the time, I did not feel it rather convincing, and as with most anti-Mormon "literature" produced by Evangelical Protestants, it was poorly-researched. Notwithstanding, amongst many Evangelicals who "witness" to "Mormons," it remains rather popular.

The book was rather soundly ripped to shreds by informed LDS apologists in the FARMS Review of Books 12/1 (2000). The following are links to the HTML versions of the reviews, alongside the PDFs thereof, too:

Norman Geisler on “Scripture”:

Francis Beckwith on “God”:

Ron Rhodes on “Christ”:

Barry R. Bickmore, Not Completely Worthless

Phil Roberts on “Salvation”:

Jerald and Sandra Tanner on "Terminology":

Review of "A Word to Our Mormon Friends":