Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Robert Jeffress and Sola Fide vs. the Bible and early Christianity

Robert Jeffress, a well-known Evangelical Protestant, tweeted the following in response to Mitt Romney:

While one is saved by Christ alone, it is not, as Jeffress believes and is trying to force into such a statement (its subtext, really), by faith alone and/or by an imputed righteousness. Indeed, the instrumental cause of one's initial justification is not (saving) faith, but water baptism. For instance, see:

Refuting Douglas Wilson on Water Baptism and Salvation

Furthermore, good works can be meritorious. For a full discussion, see:

Review of Can Our Works Save Us? Refuting Sola Fide

Finally, Sola Fide apart from being opposed to the Bible is also opposed to the theology of early Christianity (contra Jeffress, such has not been taught for 2,000 years). For more, see, for e.g.:

Did the Church Fathers teach Sola Fide?

No, 1 Clement does not teach Sola Fide

I am sure not how one could swing it, but I will happily have a public debate with Jeffress or any other leading Evangelical apologist on the Protestant doctrine of forensic justification.