Saturday, May 26, 2018

Thoughts on the Recent Referendum

I would like to thank everyone who prayed for the recent Referendum. Sadly, the 8th Amendment will be repealed. About 70% of the electorate has voted “yes.” A few thoughts:

Abortion is still a moral evil, even if a minority or a majority supports it as it is an intrinsic evil.

One reason the Pro-Life movement in Ireland, the UK, the USA, Canada, etc has failed so much is that many tend to be too nice. People who support abortion are not “nice people who happen to be wrong about something important”—they are morally reprehensible individuals. Neo-Nazis who hate Jews and wish Hitler killed all of them are not “nice people” (who knows, they might be good employees and good parents, etc) in spite of being dead-wrong about this—they are reprehensible, and so are those who support legislation allowing for abortion.

Many Latter-day Saints voted “yes” and many Church leaders were apathetic (or even supportive) of Repealing the 8th Amendment. I know I will be active in ensuring those who support abortion will not hold any calling or ecclesiastical office by my not sustaining them if/when the occasion arises. I call upon other LDS who take Church teaching seriously to do the same, here in Ireland and globally.

Please do continue to pray, as I will, for Ireland, and that God will grant the Irish people and the LDS Church here repentance--many are now calling good "evil" and evil "good" (cf. Isa 5:20).

As an aside, once the 8th Amendment is replaced with new government legislation (near the end of this year), I will be protesting outside local abortion mills. I also wish to work, full-time, in the pro-life sphere, so if any pro-life group wishes to hire me, you can email me at irishlds87ATgmailDOTcom