Friday, June 1, 2018

Dave Bartosiewicz on the Evils of Abortion and the Recent Irish Referendum

It is no secret that I strongly disagree with Dave Bartosiewicz on theology. Notwithstanding, I agree 100% with his condemnation of my country (Ireland) with last week's referendum result where 2/3 of the electorate voted in favour of legalising the killing of unborn children:

Ireland voted 'YES, The UNSPOKEN SAYS "NO", Don't ABORT ME!

I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and Dave is correct--abortion is an intrinsic evil and last week's "yes" vote resulting in the repeal of the 8th amendment of the Irish Constitution will result in the destruction of innocent human life. What is sadder is that the LDS Church in Ireland was so silent (except for at least one rascally counselor on a branch presidency in the south-west of the nation who called local church leadership "spineless" due to their failures to speak out against abortion . . .), including a stake president whose entire family voted "yes" (I have been labelled a "misogynist" by many members in the Dublin area). Such nonsense is why I wrote a recent article:

Thoughts on Sustaining, Opposing, and Recognising and Resisting Errant Church Leaders

Please pray for Ireland, that the sanctity of the life of the unborn will be restored somehow; pray for the Church here in Ireland and that pro-abortion members of the Church will be moved to repentance alongside the rest of the Irish population.