Monday, June 4, 2018

Russell M Nelson on the Role of Joseph Smith in Final Judgment

In a recent worldwide youth devotional, President Russell M. Nelson said the following:

Right now, I am preparing to the day when I will be required to give an accounting to the Prophet Joseph Smith, to President Brigham Young, and the others, and ultimately to the Lord about my stewardship as God's prophet upon the earth today. I do not want to be asked: "Brother Nelson, why were you not more clear with the youth about their part in gathering Israel? Why were you not more bold in enlisting them to participate? . . .” (beginning at the 43:43 mark)

Such shows that, in Latter-day Saint theology, Joseph Smith continues to play an important role, including, as evidenced by President Nelson’s comments, in eschatology/final judgment, albeit, a subordinate one to that of Jesus Christ.

Of course, this makes many shudders, especially our Evangelical Protestant detractors. For a discussion of this and other important issues, see: