Sunday, July 15, 2018

Unaccredited Degrees and some Evangelical Apologists

On p. 3 of the student application admission form for Whitefield Theological Seminary, the "Student Disclosure Form," we read of the seminary's non-accredited status:

I understand that Whitefield Theological Seminary is not accredited by any agency under the guidance of the United States Department of Education, and that transfer of credit is left to the discretion of the receiving institution.

Why is this important? Some Evangelical apologists proudly boast of their (unaccredited, though that is rarely, if ever mentioned . . . ) degrees, or their being candidates for degrees, from this institution, including, at one stage, Jeff Durbin, as well as William Webster (co-author of the pathetically bad 3-volume Holy Scripture [2001] series with David T. King and some hit-and-miss works critiquing Catholicism, such as The Church of Rome at the Bar of History [1995]). As with many Evangelical apologists, they join the long list of those with unaccredited degrees (e.g., see Appendix 3: Disarmed by Degrees of an article by Daniel Peterson, documenting how John Ankerberg and John Weldon's MAs and doctorates are bogus)