Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"Adieu" in The Brown-Drivers-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon

The “adieu” argument has long been refuted, so much so that one rarely these days find it raised by critics of the Book of Mormon. Notwithstanding, I came across the following in The Brown-Drivers-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon under ברך ("to bless"):

1467  ] בָּרַךְ1468) [Hebrew) (page 138) (Strong 1288,1263 . . . 5. bless, with the antithetical meaning curse (Thes) from the greeting in departing, saying adieu to, taking leave of; but rather a blessing overdone and so really a curse as in vulgar English as well as in the Shemitic cognates: 1 K 21:10, 21:13 , Jb 1:5, 1:11, 2:5, 2:9, Psalm 10:3. Pu. Impf. יְבֹרַח 2 S 7:29 + 3 t.; תְּבֹרַח Ju 5:24, Pr 20:21; Pt. מְבֹרָח Nu 22:6 + 3 t.; f. מְבֹרֶכֶת Dt 33:13; מְבֹרָכָיו Psalm 37:22; —1. pass. to be blessed, adored: שׁם י׳ Jb 1:21, Psalm 113:2 2. prospered by God: a. persons 2 S 7:29, 1 Ch 17:27, Psalm 37:22, 112:2, 128:4, Pr 20:21. b. things Dt 33:13. 3. have prosperity invoked, by Balaam Nu 22:6. 4. in gratitude Pr 22:9, Ju 5:24. Hiph. וַיַּבְרֵח חַגְּמַלִּים and he made his camels kneel Gn 24:11 )J(. Hithp. הִתְבָּרֵח Dt 29:18 + 3 t.; Impf. יִתְבָּרֵח Is 65:16, Psalm 72:17; Pt. מִתְבָּרֵח Is 65:16; —bless oneself, congratulate onself בלבבו in his heart Dt 29:18; בזרעך with or by )cf. בְּ III. 2. d( thy seed (invoke for oneself the blessing of the see of Abraham) Gn 22:18, 26:4 (J); by the Messianic king Psalm 72:17; באלהי אמן Is 65:16; by י׳ Je 4:2.2. d( thy seed )invoke for oneself the blessing of the see of Abraham( Gn 22:18, 26:4 )J(; by the Messianic king Psalm 72:17; באלהי אמן Is 65:16; by י׳ Je 4:2.