Tuesday, August 7, 2018

James White on Imputed Righteousness

In the most recent episode of his Dividing Line show, James White tried to respond to Catholic apologist Karlo Broussard on the topic of imputation:

The Imputation of the Righteousness of Christ: Karlo Broussard of Catholic Answers Refuted

While I disagree with Broussard on many topics (e.g., Christology; Mariology; the Mass), he is correct in rejecting the Reformed doctrine of imputation, and many of White's arguments are, frankly, lame and have long been refuted.

The main text White appealed to is 2 Cor 5:21. For an exegesis of this, and refutation of the Reformed reading, see:

Response to a Recent Attempt to Defend Imputed Righteousness (cf. An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology)

On the meaning of λογιζομαι and how it does not support the Reformed understanding, see:

 λογιζομαι in Greek texts contemporary with the New Testament, and how such refutes, not supports, the Reformed understanding, see, for example, my 7-part Λογιζομαι in texts contemporary with the New Testament series:

Part 7 (Summary)

The topics of justification and imputed righteousness have been discussed many times on this blog. To pursue a representative sampling of such articles, see: