Sunday, September 2, 2018

The White/Durbin vs. Kwaku El Debate

The recent James White/Jeff Durbin vs. Kwaku El debate/dialogue has been posted on youtube:

For those who listen to it, one will realise that the theological arguments forwarded by White/Durbin for the Trinity and other topics were the same arguments that were long-refuted in my article:

Some other issues have long been refuted, too. For instance, on the claim Joseph Smith's 1838 First Vision account is in error about the revivals mentioned, see:

D. Michael Quinn, Joseph Smith's Experience of a Methodist "Camp-Meeting" in 1820

White/Durbin tried to discuss Reformed theology. While I don't believe Kwaku did a good job on this issue, it should be noted that Reformed theology is simply false. On the biblical evidence against Reformed theology, see An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology

When White said he wanted to begin on the issue of "authority," I was hoping White would defend Sola Scriptura, as this is something I have written a lot about, including:

Sadly, apart from an eisegetical reading of 1 Cor 4:6 (rarely used by more informed apologists for Sola Scriptura) from Durbin, they did not really delve into this key doctrine.  For this reason, White, Durbin, and any other Protestant apologist can consider this an open challenge to a moderated, public debate with a neutral (e.g., Catholic) moderator on the topic of Sola Scriptura, namely the following debate thesis the Protestant apologist will defend and I will critique (the thesis can be changed accordingly to be more concise):

Sola Scriptura, the formal doctrine of Protestantism, which teaches that the 66 books of the Protestant canon of the Bible is the sole infallible rule of faith to which all other standards of faith are to be subordinated, is taught by the Bible

Opening statements: 30 mins each
Rebuttal: 15 mins each
Cross-ex: 15 mins each
Conclusion: 10 mins each

Robert Boylan
2 September 2018