Saturday, October 6, 2018

Anti-Mormon Group Facing a Bleak Financial Future and Possible Closure

In a post on his facebook page, Robert Bowman wrote (emphasis added):

The reason why IRR has not solicited donations in the past is that the organization was funded largely from one source. Very recently, this benefactor, though still fully supportive of what IRR does, unexpectedly learned that he is simply no longer going to be able to provide that funding. What this means is that unless something changes the organization’s funding will completely dry up by April. If we do not make substantial progress toward replacing the funding by the end of this year, it is highly likely that IRR will close its doors.

Personally, I think this is great news, and I agree with Bowman that we should be praying for the IRR, but not that it will find the necessary finances to remain open--instead, we should pray that it will have to close its doors as it is a false teaching organisation (Evangelical Protestantism) that spreads misinformation about the Restored Gospel and it closing its doors would be the spiritual equivalent of a Planned Parenthood clinic declaring that it is shutting up shop for good.