Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Scary Message for Halloween

I have been coughing up a lung since Friday(*), so I have not posted a lot. Notwithstanding, I decided to post a Halloween-themed post, something that will scare (and infuriate) those from a Millennial Mormon-themed group I left after a certain regressive leftist wished to engage in language policing:

There are only two genders.

And another thing for the member of the language police:

The Book of Mormon is historical, not a modern fabrication by Joseph Smith.

And for those who are not regressive leftists, here is the scariest thing known to mankind (biological male and female--that exhausts the category of "mankind," sorry CT et al): the water temple from Zelda: Ocarina of Time:

(*) off-topic, but as I have discussed my poor health on this blog a few times, I go in for surgery in February, so prayers/positive thoughts will be appreciated that it will go well and will help with at least some of my health issues.