Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The "I know what you are thinking--I, too, have been there" tactic

Some former members of the Church like to pull the "I know what you think and where you are at the moment--I used to be there, too!" line. Michael Flournoy has pulled this tactic  recently:

In all fairness, I understand what the author is getting at. I was a Mormon missionary myself. I’ve had all the same experiences and the same testimony. It’s not like I woke up one morning and mists of darkness covered those feelings up. I walked away with them intact, and it was excruciating. So why did I do it? Like so many others, I was compelled to follow my conscience and take up the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

Just a word to the wise, only use this if you are actually informed about the Church, unlike Michael who has embarrassed himself time and time again after he embraced the false "gospel" of Protestantism, evidenced by the following:

True Righteousness for Evangelical Protestants