Wednesday, November 28, 2018

"Citation Needed"

Recently, a LDS apologetics group has published 3 parts of a 5-part series attacking 19th century anti-Mormons and portraying them as sex-craved perverts. Amazingly, this group has not provided a single source so far to substantiate their claims, and in spite of being called up on it by critics, this group continues to dismiss such calls for references, with even the editor of the Website stating that if they are bothered by this procedure, they should be bothered by the New York Times and other publications from doing the same (though this is a false comparison as the NY Times et al do link to sources and provide source when the claims they make are sensational and inflammatory).

Oh, wait, no, it is not a Mormon apologetics organisation that has been doing this; it is the Utah Bee and their discussion of 19th century LDS, not anti-Mormons.. Who cares now . . . .