Monday, December 17, 2018

Jason Allen Pitts on Perfect Numbers in the book of Mormon

Back in August 2016, I addressed an argument by Duwayne Anderson, author of the book, Farewell to Eden, on the topic of the statistical analysis of month-dates in the Book of Mormon:

Statistical Analysis of Month-dates in the Book of Mormon

While reading a recent short volume on the Book of Mormon today, I encountered an argument, based on mathematics, but this time, in favour of the Book of Mormon.

On p. 78 of Jason Allen Pitts, Mormon’s Code: Ciphers and Ancient Egyptian Knowledge (Hurricane, Utah: Amazon Publishing, 2018), we find the following diagram detailing the 26 perfect years in the book of Mormon (as in the book within the Book of Mormon; I know, it can get confusing, especially to neophytes at times . . . ;-) )

On p. 78, the author offers the following commentary:

Mormon’s 26 Perfect Years
321, 321, 325, 326, 327, 330, 344, 345, 345, 346, 349, 350, 360, 361, 361, 362, 363, 364, 366, 367, 375, 375, 379, 380, 384, 400

In the Book of Mormon, Mormon listed 20 years in the record and made reference to 6 more years (“in this year”) thus he referenced a total of 26 specific years having passed since the arrival of the Savior, from 321 AD to 400 AD. Mormon’s 26 specific years, when placed in the order of this diagram, each of the twos of five years, plus the middle year, equals the same number. Additionally, each of the columns of five years going in a circular pattern, plus the middle year, equals the same number. A complex ancient design with all 26 numbers working in perfect harmony – one with another. If any of the 25 numbers in the rows/columns were off by even a single digit (a single year) this pattern could not be completed. The 26th year, in the middle, is independent of the other numbers

Mormon could have chosen any number between 321 and 400 for the middle number. He could have chose the highest number 400, or the lowest 321. He could have chosen 360, with the reference to the earth. Is it possible that Mormon chosen to honor the One who created the 360? If so, according to the design, Mormon’s years were all based on the Savior. Mathematically speaking, it would be impossible for all the numbers to have been placed randomly in the record and yet fit perfectly in this diagram. Thus we see that Mormon intelligently designed the years in the record – he listed 26 perfect years. (emphasis added).