Friday, December 21, 2018

Jeffrey M. Bradshaw: Beauty and Truth in Moses 1

Jeffrey M. Bradshaw has done a lot of great work on the Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price, including two massive volumes:

In God's Image and Likeness (vol. 1)

(with David Larsen) In God's Image and Likeness (vol. 2)

Temple Themes in the Book of Moses

One can download these volumes, and others, at his Temple Themes Website.

His recent presentation on Moses 1 has been posted online:

Apart from being a very good examination of the chapter, Bradshaw, in a gentlemanly, scholarly way, refutes the rather poor arguments of a liberal, SJW member of the Church who thinks there are an infinite number of genders (and someone for whom I have zero respect for, both as a person and a scholar).