Friday, January 18, 2019

Answers to YEC Arguments - Episode 92 - James White and ATP Synthase

Sentinel Apologetics has uploaded a rather interesting response to James White and his (mis)understanding of biological sciences to support ID (in reality, YEC, as White seems to strongly lean towards a young earth and a global flood):

Answers to YEC Arguments - Episode 92 - James White and ATP Synthase

It is a lengthy video (just over 1 hour), but it is super interesting. While I do not have a background in "hard" science, I do have a BA in a "soft" science subject (anthropology), and as with most fans of Star Trek, is "into" science.

White often tells his critics (usually Muslims) that inconsistency is a sign of a failed argument. At least Whtie is consistently wrong about science as he is about Calvinism, Sola Scriptura, and other topics.