Saturday, March 9, 2019

An Example of Theological Ecumenism and Religious Indifferentism Among Modern Latter-day Saints

The following are the exchanges I had with some Latter-day Saints on the Church Newsroom facebook page about the forthcoming meeting between Pope Francis and President Nelson in Rome. It does show that theological ecumenism, religious indifferentism, and other modern errors have infected many Latter-day Saints:

I had one member of the Church ask me if I included Pres. Nelson among those who have been affected by ecumenism. My response is that it depends. If Nelson doesn't mention their religious differences and fails to call Francis to repent, yes. Even prophets can err (e.g, Peter erred to such a degree that Paul had to confront him to his face [Gal 2:11]). Indeed, Latter-day Saint history has shown this to be the case. Brigham Young teaching Adam-God is one prime example. Prophets can err. Doesn't mean their actions are ipso facto correct.

But I don't know what Nelson will be discussing with Francis. Time will tell.