Monday, March 18, 2019

Lee Baker Embraces Noahidism and Proves the Truth of 2 Thessalonians 2:11

Lee Baker (who still owes me $1,000) and his wife have recently announced that, based on the same careful “research” and “bible studies” they engaged in to leave “Mormonism,” they are now leaving Christianity in general and converting to a strand of Judaism:

What is funny is seeing anti-Mormons throw out defences of their beliefs and the integrity of the New Testament which they would never accept from Latter-day Saints for our beliefs and scriptures. It also does show the truth of 2 Thess 2:11—after abandoning the truth of the Restored Gospel, Kathy and Lee Baker have been given over to a spirit of delusion, first embracing all the blasphemies of Protestantism and then, later, modern Judaism (similar to Dave Bartosiewicz who is now Eastern Orthodox and one who prayers to/through Mary and images—an idolater, in other words).