Saturday, March 16, 2019

Pope Fiction By Patrick Madrid (EWTN)

While I disagree with him on many issues (*), Patrick Madrid has done a good job at refuting a lot of the more "out there" (or "bogus") arguments against Roman Catholicism, including many of the chapters in his book, Pope Fiction: Answers to 30 Myths and Misconceptions about the Papacy (see this positive review by LDS scholar Barry Bickmore).

A Catholic Youtube page has produced a video putting together all the audio files of an EWTN series Madrid did based on this book. As the papacy is one of the "dividing lines" between Latter-day Saints and Roman Catholics, it behoves Latter-day Saints to know the best the other side has to offer in defence of their beliefs, in this case, the papacy, its primacy, and the nature and criteria and purported instances of papal infallibility being exercised:

Pope Fiction By Patrick Madrid (EWTN)

(*) If anyone could ever set up a debate between myself and Madrid (he has critiqued "Mormonism" a lot over the years, and I would love to debate him on that as well as Mariology [esp. the Immaculate Conception, a topic he also discusses a lot], I am up for such).