Saturday, March 2, 2019

Top 20 Evils You’re Responsible For By Believing the Book of Mormon

Recently, John Hamer has claimed that belief in the historicity of the Book of Mormon is:

actually an ongoing contribution to the injustice, the racism, imperialism, and genocide that my [European] ancestors hoisted upon indigenous people in the [western] hemisphere.

My friend Stephen Smoot has responded (in a comedic manner) in the following:

The comments in the section are (albeit, unintentionally) hilarious from Ryan Thomas and Colby Townsend ("Yakov Ben Tov") in their pathetic attempts to defend Hamer's nonsense.

I do love footnote no. 2, where Stephen notes that:

. . . I must admit my envy of Hamer. To have such an abundance of white privilege that you can get away with casually accusing several million Latin American Latter-day Saints of being complicit in the genocide of their own race for simply believing a religious book is quite something.

Hamer's comments are reprehensive; however, out of evil comes good, and the good is Stephen's hilarious response.

Hamer's comment did remind me of this (apt) meme: