Wednesday, May 1, 2019

David Yarn on the Meaning of "Elohim"

Commenting on the meaning of Elohim and how the name can be used of God the Father, David Yarn, then-professor of philosophy at BYU wrote:

The Meaning of “Elohim”

“Elohim” is a name for God which is found in Hebrew texts of the Old Testament. It is the plural form of “El” and “Eloah,” other Semitic words for God. Not only does “Elohim” have a quantitative meaning but a qualitative meaning as well. That is, not only does it mean “Gods” instead of “God” but it also connotes majesty, excellence, power, and supremacy. It is in this latter sense that “Elohim” is used as the name of God the Eternal Father. The name is representative of his greatness. (David H. Yarn, Jr., The Gospel: God, Man, and Truth [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1965], 3-4, emphasis added)