Thursday, August 8, 2019

Chris Fisher on the Omniscience of Jesus

Chris Fisher, author of God is Open: Examining the Open Theism of Biblical Authors, has posted an insightful video on the knowlege of Jesus and how, at least during his morality, he was not omniscience (not merely being ignorant in terms of his human nature but being all-knowing in his divine-nature [the typical, and rather pathetic, "response" by many Trinitarians like James White]).

269 The Omniscience of Jesus

I myself have discussed Mark 13:32 (cf. Matt 24:36; see also Luke 2:52) and its Christological implications vis-a-vis the Hypostatic Union. See:

Latter-day Saints have Chosen the True, Biblical Jesus (cf. Christology and Revelation 1:1)