Thursday, August 8, 2019

Happy 5th Birthday to Scriptural Mormonism!

Five years ago today, I started posting on this blog. I did not think it would last long (I thought I would get tired of after a month or two). 3,700 posts and 3 books later . . . .

Thanks for all those who read my blog and even share it. Thanks! (and feel free to share it to celebrate this anniversary!) Here is to many more years of blogging (and hopefully I will be able to publish a few more books in the next few years, too--as many know I am currently researching a volume on sacramental theology with a focus on water baptism and the Eucharist)

I received the following from someone offering a testimonial of how my writing has helped them:

Just wanted to say, it is SO nice to see so much well-researched scholarship coming from an independent Latter-day Saint source. It helps me to feel like I am not alone in defending the faith. While so many on both sides sit by and do very little, this gives me hope that we can keep going and stand up for what we believe in.--Matt from New Zeland

For those who wish to support this blog, you can do so here:
