Monday, August 19, 2019

Listing of Responses to Christina R. Darlington's "Misguided by Mormonism"

The following is a listing of articles in response to a book by Christina R. Darlington, Misguided by Mormonism But Redeemed by God’s Grace: Leaving the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for Biblical Christianity (2d ed.; 2019). Any future responses will be added to this list:

Further Reading

Darlington is personal friends with and a supporter of (at least until he converted from Evangelical Protestantism to a form of Judaism) with Lee Baker and used to host his inane "Challenging Questions" on her ministry's Website. Here is my response:

As Sola Scriptura is an issue that appears a lot in Darlington's book, apart from the articles listed above, be sure to see my book-length refutation of this, the formal doctrine of Protestantism: