Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Off to Poland in October (Potential Fireside[s])

I will be in Szczecin, Poland from 11 to 14 October for personal reasons, but I am trying to schedule some kind of fireside for members of the Church in that area (perhaps a discussion of Hebrew names in the Book of Mormon, or, as it is a very devout Catholic country, addressing the Marian doctrines as I have written a book on the topic--I am currently discussing things with people there, so at this stage, it is super preliminary).

If/when the fireside presentation(s) go ahead, however, I will record them. I just thought I would mention this in case anyone will be in the area (unlikely as that will be!) or might wish to alert those in the area to the possibility and in case they wish to make their interest known (more people interested means a greater possibility it will happen).

For those who wish to help with this blog, possible trips like this one, firesides, and forthcoming articles and books, always feel free to make a donation via paypal (or if you wish to send Amazon voucher[s] or the like my way instead, my email is IrishLDS87ATgmailDOTcom). Thanks.