Saturday, August 10, 2019

Open Challenge to "It's Me Jessie" to Debate Sola Scriptura

I have been asked to discuss a popular anti-Mormon youtuber who runs the "It's Me Jessie" page. She is, theologically, an Evangelical Protestant, but rarely defends her theology. She is growing in popularity and portrays herself to be well-informed about "Mormonism." My contention is that she is not informed about Latter-day Saint theology and Scripture and that her theology is not reflective of biblical Christianity.

As she is a Protestant, she, therefore, holds as a tenet of faith to the formal doctrine of the Reformation, Sola Scriptura, the belief that the 66 books of the Protestant canon is the final authority and the source all other authorities are subordinated to, and so forth.

As the Latter-day Saint apologist who has written the most on the topic of Sola Scriptura, including my lengthy essay:

Not by Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura

As a result, Jessie can consider this an open debate challenge on the topic of Sola Scriptura.

Debate Thesis: Sola Scriptura, the formal doctrine of Protestantism, which teaches that the 66 books of the Protestant canon of the Bible is the sole infallible rule of faith to which all other standards of faith are to be subordinated, is taught by the Bible

Opening statements: 30 mins each
Rebuttal: 15 mins each
Cross-ex: 15 mins each
Conclusion: 10 mins each

Today, I challenged Jessie on her LDS Problems: Questions Mormons Can't Answer to debate me on Sola Scriptura:

According to her youtube page, her email is itsmejessieoAToutlookDOTcom, so be sure to request that she debate me. I am sure we can get a neutral (e.g., Roman Catholic) moderator and do the debate over Skype.

If she is more than willing to produce videos against Latter-day Saints from an Evangelical Protestant perspective, if she has intellectual integrity and honesty, should be willing to defend her Evangelical theology (and yes, I am more than willing to defend Latter-day Saint theology in a similar debate format, such as the "plurality of the Gods" doctrine; baptismal regeneration, Joseph Smith as a Prophet of God; divine embodiment, and other topics), and as she seems to be Reformed based on some of your posts under "community" on her page, that is a topic I would happily engage her on, too (see An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology; Refuting Douglas Wilson on Water Baptism and Salvation and Joseph Smith Worship? Responding to Criticisms of the Role and Status of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Latter-day Saint Theology)

As an aside, my friends Kwaku El and Spencer Marsh did a good video response to one of her videos:

Responding to an Anti-Mormon | "It's Me Jessie" & Book of Mormon

Robert Boylan (IrishLDS87ATgmailDOTcom)10 August 2019