Saturday, September 7, 2019

Heber C. Kimball on the Evils of Abortion

In a sermon dated July 26 1857, Heber C. Kimball said the following against the evils of abortion and those who procure such:

I have known of lots of women calling for a doctor to destroy their children; and there are many of the women in this enlightened age and in the most popular towns and cities in the Union that take a course to get rid of their children. The whole nation is guilty of it. I am telling the truth. I won't call it infanticide. You know I am famous for calling things by their names.

I have been taught it, and my wife was taught it in our young days, when she got into the family way, to send for a doctor and get rid of the child, so as to live with me to gratify lust. It is God's truth, and I know the person that did it. This is depopulating the human species; and the curse of God will come upon that man, and upon that woman, and upon those cursed doctors. There is scarcely one of them that is free from the sin. It is just as common as it is for wheat to grow. (JOD 5:91)

Such words, said over 160 years ago, are still relevant, especially as even members of the Church, are becoming more pro-abortion (e.g., 50%+ of LDS in Ireland supported the legalisation of abortion here in the May 2018 referendum that resulted in the appeal of the 8th amendment of the Irish Constitution that protected the life of the unborn).