Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Former Anti-Mormon Calvinist Converts to Catholicism

Catchy title, right?

Some critics of the Church point to former members of the Church who convert to Evangelical Protestantism as evidence that "Mormonism" is false. One example is how people have been giving a lot of attention to Lynn Wilder, a former Latter-day Saint who taught at BYU, who is now a Protestant, although Lynn has proven herself to be completely ignorant of all things Bible and theology (see Lynn Wilder vs. Latter-day Saint (and Biblical) Theology on Divine Embodiment).

Mark Hausam, who used to be an elder at the Christ Presbyterian Church (Jason Wallace's church) converted a few years ago from Calvinism to Roman Catholicism. Here he and his wife talk with Marcus Grodi on ETWN about their conversion to Rome:

09/30/19 Mark and Desiree Hausam

Some LDS readers will recognise the name "Mark Hausam"--he presented at the 2005 Sunstone Conference an excellent paper It’s All in Arminius: Mormonism as a Form of Hyper-Arminianism [Blake Ostler responded])

I bring this up as if critics will point to "conversion" stories from the LDS Church to Evangelical Protestantism, then being consistent, they will have to at least give pause and take Hausam's "conversion" (I use "" as I do not believe conversion to a false religion is a true conversion) to Rome seriously--perhaps there is something wrong with Protestantism?

(For me, conversion stories, whether to or from the LDS Church, is subjective; what matters is the truth or lack thereof of the system one has embraced--sadly for Mark, while he correctly rejected a Satanical false gospel [Calvinism], he entered another false church [Roman Catholicism]).

For more, see:

Against Protestantism:

Not By Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura

An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology

Against Roman Catholicism:

Answering Tim Staples on Patristic Mariology and the Immaculate Conception

Responses to Robert Sungenis, Not By Bread Alone (2000/2009)