Thursday, November 7, 2019

Heber C. Kimball on the Importance of Joseph Smith for Latter-day Saint Truth Claims

Writing in the Millennial Star in 1943, then-president of the Church Heber J. Grant wrote about the central role the Prophet Joseph Smith plays in the truth claims of the Church:

Joseph Smith and Mormonism

I have met hundreds of men who have said "If it were not for Joseph Smith I could accept your religion." Any man who does not believe in Joseph Smith as a prophet of the true and living God has no right to be in the Church. That revelation to Joseph Smith is the foundation stone. If Joseph Smith did not have that interview with God and Jesus Christ the whole Mormon fabric is a failure and a fraud. It is not worthy anything on earth. But God did come. God did introduce His Son. God did inspire that man to organize the Church of Jesus Christ and all the opposition of the world is not able to withstand the truth. (Heber J. Grant, "Fundamentals of Mormonism," Millennial Star, Vol. 105, No. 13 [1943], p. 193)

Such comments are still important 76 years later, as there are many even within the Church who explicitly reject the teaching of Joseph Smith and/or try to dilute them (e.g., relegating the Book of Mormon to “inspired fiction”) and some are even embarrassed by him (see how many are hoping “Praise to the Man” will be excised from the new hymnal). In reality, the Church stands or falls on of Joseph Smith being a true prophet of God.

On the role of Joseph Smith in Latter-day Saint theology, see: