Monday, November 11, 2019

Joseph Smith Running with the Plates and an Open Debate Challenge to Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson

In his blog on Patheos, Daniel Peterson has a post that addresses Joseph Smith running with the golden plates:

Running with the golden plates (cf. FairMormon's wiki article addressing "Of what material were the Book of Mormon 'gold' plates constructed?")

I found this to be interesting as this is a long-standing argument Bill McKeever (and Eric Johnson) love to throw out to Latter-day Saints at places such as the Manti Pageant.

To see other responses to McKeever and Johnson, see:

Response to a Recent Attempt to Defend Imputed Righteousness (this is a review of John Kauer, “Are You Considered as Good as Jesus? The Imputation Approach” in Eric Johnson and Sean McDowell, eds. Sharing the Good News with Mormons [Eugene, Oreg.: Harvest House Publishers, 2018], 273-81, 339).

Answering An Illogical Attempt to Refute the Claim LDS are "Christian" and an Appeal to Jeremiah 17:9 (a response to some “arguments” in the forward to Sharing the Good News with Mormons from Johnson himself)

For years, McKeever and Johnson have been engaged in ministry against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Rarely, however, have they engaged in moderated, public debate (closest thing would be McKeever’s radio debates with Prof. James Holt [which McKeever lost] and Daniel Peterson [the latter is unavailable, sadly, but the consensus among those who did listen is that McKeever embarrassed himself]).

Both Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson can consider this an open challenge to participate in moderated debate(s) (whether in public or via a medium such as Zoom), including a challenge for them to defend their Protestant theology on the topic of Sola Scriptura.

Robert Boylan
11 November 2019