Monday, December 16, 2019

Brigham Young's Affirmation of Baptismal Regeneration

In a hypothetical dialogue with a non-LDS Christian, “Bro/Mr. B,” Brigham Young affirmed baptismal regeneration thusly:

"Oh," says brother B., "I believe in baptism, but still I believe a person on be saved purely by the blood of Jesus, without the first drop of water." But Jesus told them to go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature; he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned.

"And do you believe it is absolutely necessary to be baptized in order to be saved? I cannot believe that." This is another point wherein you and I differ, Mr. B. You cannot say with a good grace, you believe the Bible, while in your works you deny it. I not only say I believe, but prove it by my works. I go and submit to be baptized for the remission of sins, as I am commanded.

"But, brother Mormon, do you really suppose that water will wash away your sins?" I will tell you what I suppose. I suppose THE LORD SAID IT WOULD, and further it is none of my business. Baptism has been instituted for the remission of sins; I therefore do it to take away my sins; if there is any guilt in this, it rests upon the Author of it, and not upon me. Paul was told to be baptized TO WASH AWAY HIS SINS.

My Christian brethren in the world say it is a piece of folly—a species of extreme nonsense, to behove that water will wash away sins. It is no matter to me what they say; it is a commandment of the Lord; there is no mistake in it, it tells for itself. He says, Do thus and so, and your sins shall be washed away. I care not how they are taken away; whether an angel takes them to the Lord to get forgiveness, whether they sink to the bottom of the stream, or float on the top, and be scattered to the four winds; He says, Go into the water and be baptized, and they shall be washed away; which is enough for me. On this point also the Christian world and the "Mormons" disagree. But I want to know if we agree with the teachings of the Bible, in our belief and practice. The Latter-day Saints believe in doing just what the Lord has told them to do in this book. If they go forth and are baptized for the remission of sins, their sins are remitted to them, if they go with all good conscience, calculating to serve the Lord all the rest of their days.

What next? Jesus instructed his servants, after they had baptized believers, to lay their hands upon them for the gift of the Holy Ghost. We believe in that. What do you believe concerning it, Mr. B.? "Why, I believe it is necessary to give up our hearts to God." We believe that, as much as you do. "I believe in going to our great meetings, to our prayer meetings, and protracted meetings, and camp meetings, and reformation meetings; for they are got up for the purpose of exciting the feelings of the people; I believe in going there and struggling with the Lord for the forgiveness of sins. We do not care how long or how loud you pray; you may pray loud enough to break up the roof of the house, and send it to the four winds, but are you going to get the forgiveness of sins in this way? "O yes, brother Mormon, do you not see the world is almost evangelized by our meetings, our tract societies, and our missionary societies. We are going to convert the world in that way. I was converted so, and I am trying with all my might to Convert others in the same way. We tell sinners to go to the anxious seat to get remission of their sins." Here is where we differ again. You tell them to go to the anxious seat to get forgiveness; Christ, his Apostles, and we, tell them to be baptized for the remission of sins. You also tell them to go to the anxious seat to get the Holy Ghost; we tell them to receive it by the laying on of hands, as the Bible instructs us. (JOD 1:239-40 | 24 July 1853)