Saturday, January 25, 2020

Wilford Woodruff on Plural Marriage Not being Necessary for Exaltation

Wilford Woodruff, in his journal entry for 12 February 1870, reported that Brigham Young et al affirmed that plural marriage, even when it was being practiced by the Church, was not necessary to enter the Celestial Kingdom and receive exaltation:

I spent the day in the Council House untill noon. I attended the school of the prophets. Brother John Holeman made a long speech upon the subject of Poligamy. He Contended that no person Could have a Celestial glory unless He had a plurality of wives. Speeches were made By L. E. Harrington O Pratt Erastus Snow, D Evans J. F. Smith Lorenzo Young. Presidet Young said there would be men saved in the Celestial Kingdom of God with one wife with Many wives & with No wife at all. (Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898, Volume 6: 1 January 1862 to 31 December 1870 [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1984], 527)