Friday, March 27, 2020

Behold the Mother of My Lord: Towards a Mormon Mariology--Now Available for Free as a PDF Download

In 2017 I published my book on Mariology (theology of Mary, the mother of Jesus), Behold the Mother of My Lord: Towards a Mormon Mariology. It is the most thorough treatment of the topic by a Latter-day Saint and interacts with the best arguments in favour of doctrines such as the personal sinlessness, Immaculate Conception, and perpetual virginity of Mary. I also have appendices that discuss the virginal conception in Latter-day Saint theology, religious images, and address the debate as how to translate Isa 7:14 (the "virgin" vs. "young lady" debate).

I have decided to put the PDF of the book up online to download for free (!) as I do believe that this is a central issue that divides Latter-day Saints from Roman Catholics (as well as, to a great extent, Eastern Orthodox).

One can find the page to get a PDF of the book here.

Happy Reading!

While I do not write books and blog posts for money but instead to help educate LDS and non-LDS about the evidence (often biblical) in support of the Restored Gospel, for those who wish to support this blog, one can make a donation via PayPal (all donations will be used for the purchase of books and articles).