Thursday, March 19, 2020

B.H. Roberts: Arius' Theology was in Error

In his series of radio broadcasts in 1929 on the apostasy, B.H. Roberts wrote the following where he explicitly rejected Arius and his Christology:

Arius was defeated in the council and the views of Athanasius as expressed in the Nicene creed were triumphant. Let us be understood, of course, that I am not contending that the council of Nicea in rejecting the doctrine of Arius was rejecting the true Christian doctrine of Deity; my point is that both sides to the controversy were in error, and that the whole of Christendom had been led away from the New Testament revelation of God, fulfilling the prophecy that men would “deny the Lord that brought them” (II Peter ii:1); so what I have to point out in respect to Arius arises from no sympathy with his doctrine of Deity. (B.H. Roberts, The "Falling Away" or The World's Loss of the Christian Religion and the Church [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1931], 79-80)

This is important as it shows that Roberts, one of the most informed Latter-day Saints on the topic of theology of his time, rejected Arian Christology, notwithstanding the repeated claims of some errant critics who claim that “Mormon” Christology is “Arian.”

For more, see: