Thursday, March 12, 2020

Forthcoming Birthday and Ways to Support the Research for this Blog

As some know, my birthday will be this Monday (16 March [I will be turning 33]). I do not expect anything to come out of this, but just thought I would do it as I have seen it on youtube and a few other places where followers/fans of blogs and youtube pages help celebrate birthdays of creators, etc. For those who wish to send me something, one can send a book or two my way. My Amazon wish lists can be accessed here:

Alternatively, one can send an Amazon voucher my way (my email is IrishLDS87ATgmailDOTcom [posting it nice and early as a guarantee that if anyone feels generous, the volume[s] will arrive well in time!])

As always, one can also make a contribution via Paypal.

I will be off to Dublin for a few days, beginning tomorrow, so there won't be any new blog posts for a few days.