Sunday, April 26, 2020

Amos 9, "the booth of David" and a refutation of the claim "Temple of Solomon" is an Anachronism in the Book of Mormon

In 2016, Rob Bowman posted the following article:

In this article, Bowman argued that 2 Nephi 5:16's use of "temple of Solomon" to designate the temple in Jerusalem was an anachronism, as no Israelite, contemporary with Nephi, would have called a temple "temple of <patron/builder of the temple>" and instead "Temple of YHWH."

He was soundly refuted by myself and especially my friend Christopher Davis, so much that Bowman conceded it was not an anachronism (with us agreeing that the construct state is not strong evidence for the Book of Mormon).

However, in recent days, Bowman, in a discussion with a friend on an Evangelical/LDS debate forum on facebook, has been denying he has been soundly refuted on this point. For this reason, I am posting a link to the definitive beat-down of Bowman and his nonsense:

For a scholarly article on the booth of David in Amos 9 being the temple in Jerusalem, see:

John Anthony Dunne, “David’s Tent as Temple in Amos 9:11-15: Understanding the Epilogue of Amos & Considering Implications for the Unity of the Book,” Westminster Theological Journal 73.2 (Fall 2011): 363-374