Monday, April 6, 2020

D. Charles Pyle, "Do Freemasons Really Worship Lucifer?"

There are many who think Freemasonry is Satanical and the like. Some even claim that Albert Pike, author of Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, advocated the worship of "Lucifer." As a result of this, and many early Latter-day Saint leaders, including the Prophet Joseph Smith, were Freemasons, many also use this as evidence "Mormonism" is evil, Satanical, etc.

D. Charles Pyle, a very knowledgable Latter-day Saint and Freemason, has addressed this charge in some detail at the following:

Pyle is also the author of the following excellent book that every Latter-day Saint, especially those involved in apologetics, should read: