Sunday, May 31, 2020

1 Esdras Using Previous Canonical Material

The Book of 1 Esdras (in Catholic circles, it is often 3 Esdras; alt. Esdras A) is a rather interesting volume for many reasons, including how it is problematic to the canon dogmatised at Trent. What is interesting about 1 Esdras for this post is that, with the exception of some original material in 3:1-5:6, it is composed entirely of pre-existing canonical material, so much so that it is questionable whether it should be considered along the lines of “Rewritten Scripture.” Charles L. Souvay, in the entry for "Esdras" in The Catholic Encylopedia, wrote that, with respect to the date of this text, "some details of vocabulary, etc., scholars are led to believe that III Esd. was compiled, probably in Lower Egypt, during the second century B.C."


One is reminded of the use, directly and indirectly, of previous scripture in the Book of Mormon (e.g., the Isaiah chapters and Nephi's reworking of Isa 29 in 2 Nephi 27). If ancient authors like those of 1 Esdras can do it, there is nothing out of place with the Book of Mormon on this point.