Friday, May 8, 2020

An Example of Adam being Differentiated from "God"/"Elohim" in 1906

The following, written in 1906 (so 31 years after the death of Brigham Young), shows how Latter-day Saints held to a more “orthodox” view of Adam vis-à-vis his relationship to God (in other words, they did not hold to the Adam-God doctrine):


Let us look at Father Adam and see if we can not discover something beautiful in his life that must forever bear witness to his mission on earth.

Adam was the first of the high school teachers called of God to open the great university of Idumea and to begin the work of giving mortal tabernacles to its pupils, and b revelation and command he became a preacher of righteousness and a prophet. Doc. and Cov. 107:53-56; also, Pearl of Great Price, Book of Moses, page 13; also, Daniel 12:1. (Matthew W. Dalton, The Period of God’s Work on This Planet: Or, How Science Agrees With the Revelations of Our Beloved Redeemer, a Key to This Earth [Box Elder County, Utah: 1906], 55)

On Adam-God itself, be sure to check out the following paper from Matthew B. Brown: