Thursday, May 14, 2020

Another Anti-Mormon Affirming the "Internal Witness of the Holy Spirit"

The deepest feelings and emotions evoked by the Spirit of God are not directed toward unclear, nebulous, fuzzy concepts, but towards the clear revealed truths of God concerning His love, the work of Christ, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit . . . every true believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God, and the Spirit is always going to fulfill the promise to lead us into all truth (James R. White, The Forgotten Trinity: Recovering the Heart of Christian Belief [2d ed; Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany House, 2019], 12, 13)

For more, see the section "A Self-Attesting, Self-Authenticating, Formally Sufficient Scripture?" in Not By Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura