Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ubi Petrus, "Why Catholicism is Wrong on Church History & Erick Ybarra Refuted"

Eastern Orthodox blogger "Ubi Petrus" has launched a youtube page and has posted a video offering a devasting refutation of the dogmatic (Vatican I) teachings of the papacy and Erick Ybarra:

Why Catholicism is Wrong on Church History & Erick Ybarra Refuted

While it is long (it is 2 hours and 12 minutes), it is worth watching.

To understand Ybarra's respect for history and its relationship to Catholic truth claims, he once said the following:

In fact, if I didn't have 0% evidence of Catholic tradition from the first 10 centuries, that still would not be a debilitating, paralysing problem for us, because that's not part of our understanding of revelation (Book Release: Introduction to the Holy Bible for Traditional Catholics by Timothy Flanders [quote from the 1:29:16 mark])

Keep this in mind when you hear errant Catholics who claim that their faith is the "two thousand-year-old faith!"