Thursday, May 21, 2020

White is Wrong about the Plurality of the Gods

Commenting on the Latter-day Saint (and biblical) belief in the plurality of Gods, one long-standing Protestant anti-Mormon author wrote:

It is simply impossible to consistently fit a belief in a plurality of gods into the Christian Scriptures. (James R. White, Is the Mormon My Brother? Discerning the Differences between Mormonism and Christianity [2d ed.; Birmingham, Ala.: Solid Ground Christian Books, 2008], 132)

In reality, the doctrine is biblical, White’s protestations notwithstanding. On this, see, for e.g.:

Latter-day Saints have Chosen the True, Biblical Jesus

Be sure to see the email exchanges between White and Bill Hamblin and Daniel Peterson relating to Psa 82 and John 10 at the SHIELDS Website.