Saturday, June 20, 2020

Early Latter-day Saints vs. the view Judas Did Nothing Wrong or Sinful

It is a sad fact that many members of the Church have a sugary view of Judas, thinking he was doing the right thing in betraying Jesus (notwithstanding John 13:2, for e.g., stating his intentions to betray Jesus were influenced, but by God, but Satan). I have, in person, encountered these very errant members. However, the early Latter-day Saints did not hold to such an errant (and frankly, stupid and blasphemous) view. Take the following from Reed Peck and Heber C. Kimball:


Reed Peck


Joseph Smith in a Short speech Sanctioned what had been Said by Rigdon though said he I don't want the brethren to act unlawfully but will tell them one thing Judas was a traitor and instead of hanging himself was hung by Peter, and with this hint the subject was dropped for the day having created a great excitement and prepared the people to execute anything that should be proposed. (History of Reed Peck, 25-26)


Very many were violently opposed to this new church order but after much argument, preaching teaching and explaining by S Avard the excitement was allayed and all but a few consented to give up their property and we may say subject themselves to a driver--John Corrill observed to a person in Far West that he did not "think it his duty to unite with the firm and that he had no confidense in the revelation that require it"  Joseph Smith and S Rigdon learning that he had made this observation, [strid] him severely for his rebellion in the presence of several persons Smith Said to him "if you tell about the streets again that you do not believe this or that revelation I will walk on your neck Sir" at the same time smiting his fists to evince his great rage He talked of dissenters and cited us to the case of Judas Saying that Peter told him in a conversation  a few days ago that himself hung Judas for betraying Christ. (Ibid., 53-55)


You may here ask in conclusion of the story how Joseph Smith retains the confidence of his followers and even bind them more closely to the cause when the ultimate of all his plan has been a total failure He tells them as an excuse for being in the hands of his enemies after the delivery of so many brave speeches "that he was betrayed" The very men who risked their lives at his request to open a communication with the army are now branded as traitors When no others would venture we we stepped forward and were instrumental in saving the lives of hundreds perhaps by bringing about a treaty Propositions were made to us and we faithfully reported the same to the presidency and they undestood the whole matter, still Joseph pretends to the church that he was betrayed by us as christ was by Judas (Ibid., 139-40)


Heber C. Kimball:


Jesus said to his disciples, "Ye are the salt of the earth; and if the salt loses its saving principle, it is then good for nothing but to be east out." Instead of reading it just as it is, almost all of you read it just as it is not. Jesus meant to say," If you have lost the saving principles, you Twelve Apostles, and you that believe in my servants the Twelve, you shall be like unto the salt that has lost its saving principles: it is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men." Judas lost that saving principle, and they took him and killed him. It is said in the Bible that his bowels gushed out; but they actually kicked him until his bowels came out.


"I will suffer my bowels to be taken out before I will forfeit the covenant I have made with Him and my brethren." Do you understand me? Judas was like salt that had lost its saving principles—good for nothing but to be east out and trodden under foot of men. It is just so with you men and women, if you do not honour your callings and cultivate the principles you have received. It is so with you, ye Elders of Israel, when you forfeit your covenants. (JOD 6:125-26 | December 13, 1857 [see the FairMormon Wiki page, The Apostles killed Judas?])