Friday, June 5, 2020

Joseph Lee Robinson on Plural Marriage and Salvation

In his journal for November 4, 1888, Joseph Lee Robinson, himself a committed defender of polygamy and a polygynist himself wrote the following:


. . . with regard to polygamy, it is my estimation certainly a very interesting and very important tent or item of our holy religion, yet not in a general sense essential to salvation. It is left optional with any and every man to enter into that holy order or into polygamy, or not, as it may please himself only if he does break the laws of the land he will have to abide the consequences. But, with the hundreds and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands members of this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there are comparatively few that have ever entered into polygamist marriages and still those members are held in full fellowship in the Church just the same. But, I probably will say more to you upon this subject at some other time. We do not term this (polygamy) the gospel—no not by any means. (History of Joseph Lee Robinson, ed. Oliver Preston Robinson [History Comes Home, 2007], 270-71, emphasis added)


An example of Robinson’s devotion to the principle can be seen in the following:


I will now proceed to relate a heavenly vision and revelation which was given to me, Joseph L. Robinson, on the subject of polygamy in Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois in the year 1844 or 1845. As we remarked, my mind was exercised upon that subject after hearing the prophet of God declare it should become a law in Zion. The Lord chastened me in the spirit for the space of about 20 hours in a manner more severe than I had ever been chastened before. But behold the cloud of darkness passed away and the sun of righteousness did beam forth. My mind became calm and serene as the summer morning. I felt exceedingly happy in my mind. I was alone in my shop and I was a chair maker. It was about four o’clock in the afternoon and I was standing at my turning lathe, the sun shining brightly.


The vision opened on this wise. Presently before mere there was a light, straight as straight and narrow, very narrow, its color very bright and beautiful. The lower end of this remarkable light, or path, was about three feet from the earth before me and its elevation some 30 degrees and it extended away out of sight into the heavens. Presently there came a voice in the spirit, saying, this light you see is the straight and narrow path that leads to life. A pause for a few moments between each sentence. Polygamy is an institution of heaven, as pure a principle as ever emanated from the gods. It is for the purpose of raising up seed unto the Lord. No man has the right to crook a finger or wink and eye or do anything whatsoever to court a second wife until he first obtains permission from him that holds the keys of the kingdom of God upon the earth.


Any man that enters into this holy order in any other way other than upon the principle and with an eye single to the glory of God, he is damned. Also, a man should be very careful not to interfere with the rights of any good man as this would be handling sharp edged tools. (Ibid., 30-31)


For more on this issue, see:


Prime Example of Quote-Mining


More on monogamy, polygamy, and exaltation